What do you do for a living?
I’m a copywriter and PR consultant.
What does that mean day-to-day?
Well, where do I start?! As cliched as it sounds, no two days are the same because I work on multiple briefs, be it PR or copywriting, for all sort of different organisations every single day.
One minute, I’m reworking a series of brochures for a construction client or drafting and pitching an anniversary press release for a specialist manufacturing company. The next, I’m proofreading a 70+ page sustainability report for a major infrastructure project or writing a series of awards entries for a global infrastructure services company.

Given my agency and journalism background and the fact I work for multiple clients (some retained and some ad hoc) as soon as I’ve completed one brief, I’m straight on to the next. Some days, I deliver several projects, depending on the level of complexity, for various different clients. Other days, I’m booked out for several days or weeks at a time for more strategic, time-intensive tasks.
That’s why, if ever you ask me what I’m currently working on or happen to ask me this question at the end of the day or a week, it always takes me a few seconds to remember what I’ve actually worked on! I love the fast paced nature of my work and I especially enjoy being able to work my content and PR magic on all sorts of briefs for B2B and B2C clients.
What do you love about magazines?
Erm, everything! I’m a former print (newspaper) journalist, so anything in printed form is always special to me. But as a writer, it’s the words that hold the most value for me. Whenever, I pick up a magazine, I love the fact I’m almost always going to get inspiration in some shape or form. For instance, ideas for story angles, new words, different ways of using pull quotes and interesting call to actions. Gone are the days when I can just simply read something; I’ve been writing for so long now (over 20 years) that my brain is wired to analyse sentences and words.
Tell us one thing not many people know about you?
Can I be cheeky and share two facts? From a professional perspective, I’ve just launched The Awards Clinic, which is a dedicated awards-writing service (this is **hot off the press** news!) And from a personal perspective, I can’t swim…
Where can we connect with you?
You can find me and connect with me over on LinkedIn and Instagram.