
Angela Lyons

Angela is a freelance graphic designer and creative lead of Freelancer Magazine and The Strad.

And will be in conversation with Peter Houston

About Angela

Angela Lyons is a freelance graphic designer who is a born and bred East Londoner, with a Saint Lucian heritage. She has been designing for over 20 years and has had her business Lyons Creative for 12 years. She specialises in both print and digital marketing, and branding design. 

She designs various magazines from insurance brokers to classical music to freelancers – in fact most industries. She is the creative lead of Freelancer Magazine and The Strad.

Aside from design Ange is also part of various freelancer communities, always trying to help and support where she can.

About Angela’s interview

Anglea Lyons will be speaking with Peter Houston about her career as a freelance graphic designer.

Angela knows the magazine world well, working with titles that cover everything from playing Bach on the violin to the best accounting software for small businesses. Peter will be asking how magazine publishers can move beyond work-for-hire and make their freelancers a valued part of their publishing teams. He also wants to know about Angela’s ‘Font Love Friday’ newsletter, why she does it and how it helps bring her closer to her clients and her fellow freelancers.

Connect with Angela

LinkedIn: Angela Lyons

Web: Lyons Creative

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