Our online Hive event offers peer-to-peer coaching to connect people and help them with their business challenges.
If you need a fresh look at a problem, an outsider’s perspective, or someone to bounce ideas off, our Hive is for you.
Hive events give you the chance to focus just on you and your problem – giving you bespoke, instant and inspiring ideas without bias.
Book your tickets for our next Hive on 13 March at 12.30pm-2.00pm GMT/8.30am-10.00am EDT, and attend for free by becoming an International Magazine Centre member.

How it works
You’ll split into breakout rooms of three or four on Zoom, where you’ll each take it in turns to present a problem to the rest of your group. Then you switch off your mic and your video, but stay in the room to listen, while your fellow group members discuss your problem.
> 2 mins to present your problem
> 2 mins for clarification questions from your group
> 13 mins to listen to your group discuss your problem
> 3 mins to give feedback to your group on what you found useful

Q: What will I need for the Hive?
A: We use Zoom version 5.12.2 – please update your system if you are using an earlier version. You’ll receive a link and password for the event when you reserve a place.
A notepad and pen are also recommended.
Q: What if I’m in a room with one of my competitors?
A: We ensure that you’re not. Your pre-registration details allow us to think carefully about who we put together in each room.

Q: Are the learnings shared?
A: What’s said in a Hive is confidential, but we’ll ask you to share a key take-away with the wider group at the end. If you’d rather not share we completely understand and respect this.
Q: I’d like to attend a Hive but am unable to afford it at the moment, do you offer any free places?
A: Yes, we have a ‘Pay it Forward’ scheme. Tickets are bought by others and given away to enable people who are feeling the pinch to attend. Please contact us about availability at enquiries@internationalmagazinecentre.com
You can also attend this event for free as an International Magazine Centre member – sign up from £5 a month here.

Need to know
Date and Time: 13 March at 12.30pm-2.00pm GMT/8.30am-10.00am EDT
Tech required: Zoom version 5.12.2 will be used – you’ll receive a link and password for the event once you have reserved your place.
> Full price: £20
> Members: £Free. Become an International Magazine Centre member for free attendance at this event, discounts on other events and training, mentoring and more.
> Pay it Forward: Many publishers are finding it tough at the moment. If you’re in a position to do so, we invite you to donate the price of a ticket for someone who would otherwise be unable to attend.
Event Partners
Many thanks to our event partners for their fantastic support.
White Light Media is a content agency dedicated to winning hearts and minds. Our work is based on powerful storytelling, beautiful design and close collaboration with our clients. Contact eric@whitelightmedia.co.uk to speak about collaborating on any content projects.