Guest Newsletter – Christopher Phin →
Once a month we invite our Patrons, magazine publishers and enthusiasts to guest-edit our fortnightly email newsletter.
This month our guest editor is podcast producer and creative director, Christopher Phin.
Follow this journal for updates at the International Magazine Centre, articles from our collaborators, and ideas of how you can be involved.
Once a month we invite our Patrons, magazine publishers and enthusiasts to guest-edit our fortnightly email newsletter.
This month our guest editor is podcast producer and creative director, Christopher Phin.
I saw a quote the other day that said everyone and their grandmother has a newsletter. Is it even worth me starting one?
Once a month we invite our Patrons, magazine publishers and enthusiasts to guest-edit our fortnightly email newsletter.
This month our guest editor is Heather Pownall, media, marketing and communications consultant and Founder of Heather’s Media Hub.
Owning your own time and your own business has its benefits, but talking to the wall, your cat, or more often than not, yourself, is not one of them. Humans need other humans.
October’s question to our brilliant publishing consultant Peter Houston came from The Week Junior‘s Editorial Director Anna Bassi.