
Laura Hurst

What do you do for a living?

I’m a graphic designer and illustrator and I run my creative studio Paper Arcade. I work with passionate small business owners creating branding and graphic material for their businesses. My background is in print so that’s where a lot of my work is based (and why I love magazines). I love to illustrate too, in both traditional and digital mediums, and am always looking for publications to work on editorial illustrations with.

What does that mean day-to-day?

When I’ve got a big project on it means getting my headphones on and diving in a few hours at a time! I work mostly in InDesign and Illustrator – I love combining my illustrations with text to make them funny or interesting. On less project-heavy days I’ll be writing blogs, replying to emails and trying to fit in as much personal creative work as possible. Right now I’m into making quick oil pastel portraits in my sketchbook.

What do you love about magazines?

The physicality of them. I love being able to feel the paper, especially if it’s a lovely uncoated stock. Personally I take information in a lot better from print than screen, so that’s another reason. It also feels much more curated – there’s so much information online it can feel overwhelming. I like having a carefully crafted issue to work through. Oh and I love the smell of a freshly printed magazine!

Tell us one thing not many people know about you?

That I knit and crochet! I’ve been knitting for about 12 years now. I love making quick toys and fun objects for around the house. Pretty much anything but clothes!

Check out more of Laura’s work and blog at www.paperarcade.co.uk. and on LinkedIn, Instagram @heylaurabelle or @paperarcadestudio – from 19th March 

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