
Eloise Leeson-Smith

Eloise is a linguist and the Founder of Olim

And spoke about How reader inspiration is the key to unlocking your legacy

To watch the full recording of Eloise’s talk, please buy a ticket for all the main stage recordings of Magazine Street, or if you were an attendee on the day, please email us for the password to watch.

About Eloise

Stumbling across Linguistics at University in 2008, Eloise Leeson quickly found herself hooked. Hurling her previous degree subjects out the window, she pursued her new focus with a slightly worrying passion.

Obsessed with sociolinguistics, connection, and helping people to really engage meaningfully with one another, Eloise has had a career in the truest sense of the word.

In 2019, Eloise founded Olim, and works with companies around the world to close the gap between what they think they’re saying, and what is actually being received by their customers.

When she’s not researching, reading, or talking about talking, you can find her weightlifting, hanging out with her husband, and perfecting her spicy margarita. 

About Olim

Olim was created out of a passion to connect people.

With a focus on data-driven communications decisions, language consciousness and critical discourse analysis, Olim exists to help businesses around the world to better engage audiences of all kinds.

From public sector bodies to UN agencies to private companies such as Experian and Capgemini, Olim works to raise the bar for communications inside and outside the business, for happier staff, excited customers, and a better bottom line. 

About Eloise’s talk

The best magazines are the ones that change you, inspire you, make you think, and help you see the world differently.

Focused on inspiration, creativity, and culture (and nude mags!), in this talk, we cover:

  • The creativity crises, and why mainstream media is becoming a sea of sameness
  • The dangers of hyper-categorised ‘subcultures’ in the digital age, and false belonging
  • How independent publications can reignite our curiosity and imagination

From lantern thinking to legacy, together we’ll explore why magazines are more than just paper and ink—they’re the connectors of ideas, the sparks of inspiration, and why, done right, every issue can linger in the mind of your readers.

This isn’t just about magazines; it’s about rediscovering the joy of stumbling upon the unexpected and fostering creativity in a world that desperately needs it. 

Connect with Eloise

LinkedIn: Eloise Leeson

Web: Olim

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