
Connecting with magazine lovers

In the absence of a physical shop or building, we’ve been thinking a lot about how to connect with consumers. 

For publishers, we’d decided to set up an Inspiration page on the website (coming soon), to give insight and ideas from other publishers all over the world. 

After a good chat with Margot Wilson of Industry Lane, who is our latest supporter (Welcome, Margot!), we decided that something similar for consumers would be fun – asking international publishers to submit their best article (or video/podcast/photoshoot) from the past month, giving us an ‘Incredible Articles from the World’s Magazines’ on one side, and ‘Amazing Ideas for the World’s Publishers’ on the other.

These articles will then be linked to the publishers’ website or subscription page, meaning we’ll not only be promoting fantastic magazine journalism, but also the magazines themselves.

If you’d like to submit an article for our ‘Incredible Articles’ page, or an example of innovation for our ‘Amazing Ideas’ page, get in touch at nikki.simpson@ppascotland.co.uk 

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