
Magazine Challenge – 8th-12th May

An International Magazine Centre and Edinburgh Napier University collaboration.

So you want to create a magazine?

We’ve teamed up with Edinburgh Napier University to present the Magazine Challenge, a week-long challenge for students to create a magazine as part of a small team.

Open to any student from the Journalism, MSc Publishing and BDes(Hons) Graphic Design courses, you’ll work in teams of approximately seven people, each with:

  • Two brilliant editors and producers from MSc Publishing
  • Three fantastic writers from Journalism
  • Two incredible editorial designers from Graphic Design

Will there be guest speakers?

The Magazine Challenge will run from the 8th-12th May 2023 at Edinburgh Napier University’s Merchiston Campus, with a tutored class each day from industry experts:

Monday Nikki Simpson

Founder and Director
International Magazine Centre

Tuesday Clare Harris

Client Engagement Director
Think Publishing

Wednesday Margaret Ann Dowling

Publisher and Director
Create & Translate

Thursday Eric Campbell

Managing and Creative Director
White Light Media

Friday – You!

Each team will present their magazine
to the other groups.

What will each day look like?

The Magazine Challenge will run from Monday 8th May to Friday 12th May:

  • 10am-11am Guest Presentations. Inspiration and advice from experts working in the international magazine industry
  • 11am-1pm Go Plan It. Groups make a plan for content, design, interviews, photography and potential monetisation
  • 1pm-2pm Lunch. Please bring a packed lunch with you, or money for the canteen
  • 2pm-2.30pm Update. Each group gives feedback on what stage they’re at with the magazine
  • 2.30pm-4.30pm Go Do It. Each group works on implementing their plan to create their magazine

At the end of the week each group will present their magazine to the other groups, and receive a Magazine Challenge certificate of completion from the International Magazine Centre.

Magazines will subsequently be printed and will be available to use in your portfolio and at the Degree Show.

What kind of magazines will we be creating?

At the start of the week you’ll be split into teams of nine and each group will be given a theme for their magazine (e.g. fashion, music, travel, etc.), a style for their magazine (B2B, Consumer or Membership), and an idea generation tool to get the creative ideas flowing.

Where will the Magazine Challenge be held?

The Magazine Challenge will be held from the 8th-12th May at Edinburgh Napier University’s Merchiston Campus.

What’s the price to attend?

The price to attend is £20 and includes:

  • Four printed copies of your completed magazine
  • A Magazine Challenge certificate of completion from the International Magazine Centre
  • Drinks and nibbles to celebrate your achievements at the end of the Challenge

A scholarship is also available to a maximum of ten students who could otherwise not afford the £20 cost, please apply to Graphic Design course leader Peter Buwert.

I’ve got some questions – who do I ask?

Please email International Magazine Centre Director Nikki Simpson with any queries – she’s happy to help.

We look forward to welcoming you!

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