
26th September 2024 – Edinburgh

We want to make Magazine Street as accessible as possible to as many different people as possible. Should your needs not be covered here, we warmly encourage you to contact us with any queries.


Wheelchair access Central Hall is accessible by wheelchair, with a lift leading from the ground floor outside up to both floors. There is a disabled toilet on the first floor just off the main auditorium. On-street parking is available near the venue – if you have a Blue Badge you can park free of charge and without a time limit in Edinburgh.

One room – the Lewis room, where one of our breakouts is taking place – is sadly inaccessible to wheelchair users. We apologise for this.

Nearest pharmacist The nearest pharmacist is opposite Central Hall at 2 Home St, Edinburgh EH3 9LY.

Hearing loop We can provide a hearing loop if required as all speakers will use a microphone. Please email us if you would like us to provide this.

Quiet area We have assigned a designated quiet area for anyone who needs to take time away from the bustle of the conference.

Asking questions If you’d like to ask a question to one of our speakers but don’t feel comfortable raising your hand, we welcome questions over Twitter using #MagStreet. Paper and pen will be included in delegate bags, or if you’d prefer to ask a question of one of our speakers in advance, we invite you to email it to us.

Dietary requirements We can cater to all dietary requirements and will provide vegetarian and vegan options as a matter of course. Please let us know if you’d like anything specific, or if you prefer to bring your own lunch, we can refrigerate this.

Online offering This year, the event will be in-person only, but we’re currently looking for partners to help support us to deliver a hybrid event in future.

If there’s anything here that you’d like more information on, or if you have an accessibility issue that we haven’t covered, we warmly invite you to contact us.

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