
Ambassadors Workshop

Our International Magazine Centre Ambassadors met at The Drum for the first time yesterday to:

  • Confirm our priorities to focus our resources on what will make the Centre happen
  • Broaden our potential partnerships on a global level
  • Decide what action to take to open the doors of the International Magazine Centre

The workshop generated some brilliant ideas, including: a pop-up International Magazine Centre to tour international publishers and creative organisations; inviting potential partners and philanthropists to attend the Scottish Magazine Awards, to showcase the vibrancy and passion of the industry; and connecting with creative trade associations to help if we decide to crowdfund.

If you’d like to be one of our Ambassadors, we’re currently looking for people with experience or connections in estates management and raising capital, but would welcome a conversation about what you could bring to the table. Ambassadors meet quarterly in either Glasgow or Edinburgh. Get in touch at nikki.simpson@ppascotland.co.uk for more information – we’d love to work with you.

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