
26th September 2024 – Edinburgh

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to Magazine Street, and know you’ll have lots of questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q What time does Magazine Street start and finish?

Doors will open for registration and breakfast rolls at 9am. We aim to finish up by 5pm, with a drinks reception afterwards until 6.30pm.

Q Where is the venue?

The address is Central Hall is 2 West Tollcross, Edinburgh EH3 9BP. Please find more details on our Venue page for how to get there.

Q Are there places to stay nearby?

Edinburgh can be expensive so we recommend staying with Airbnb, who offer some beautiful rooms and apartments across the city. However, if you prefer a hotel the nearest are:

Q What happens if my plans change and I can’t attend?

We understand plans change. We’ll refund you:

  • 100% of the ticket fee if cancelled by 26 August
  • 50% of the ticket fee if cancelled between 27 August and 9 September
  • After 10 September we ask you to offer your ticket to a friend or colleague

Q What happens if the event is cancelled due to COVID-19?

We will refund all tickets to attend.

Q Is the venue accessible?

We want to make Magazine Street as accessible as possible to as many different people as possible – please take a look at our Accessibility page for more details. If your needs are not covered we warmly encourage you to contact us with any queries.

Q I’m coming alone and I’m nervous – can you help?

We understand and would be delighted to introduce you to others attending in advance, so you know a few people before you get there. Hopefully that’ll take some nerves away and allow you to look forward to it. Get in touch for introductions in advance.

Q What happens if I’m late?

You’re welcome to move around the conference for the duration of the day. If you arrive late for a talk you can sneak in the back no problem.

Q What is the dress code?

We suggest you wear smart casual, but please come in whatever you feel comfortable in.

Q Do I need to bring anything with me?

If you use them, we recommend you bring business cards to ensure you don’t lose touch with the people you meet. If you publish a magazine, please do bring a copy with you to show people. Breakfast rolls, lunch and a drink afterwards are included in your ticket price, and delegate bags will include a notepad and pen to take notes on the day.

Q Will the event be broadcast in real time?

This year, the event will be in-person only, but we’re currently looking for partners to help support us to deliver a hybrid event in future.

Q Will there be a photographer taking photos on the day?

Yes, photos of the various goings-on will be taken throughout the day.

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