
26th September 2024 – Edinburgh

We can’t wait to introduce you to our incredible speakers


Doors open at 8.30am for a morning networking session. Magazine Street talks finish up at around 5pm, with our drinks reception until 6.30pm.

8.30 Conversation, Community, Creativity – Morning networking

9.00 Coffee and registration

9.30 Welcome from International Magazine Centre director, Nikki Simpson, and our Magazine Street host, Ranj Begley

9.40 Jodie Newman – Get set for Magazine Street!

9.50 Simon Elliott – Video: 3 things magazine pro’s need to know in 1 minute 30

10.00 Louise Ioannou – Talk to your team, talk to your customers: Insight from your biggest assets

10.30 Choose from:

  • MAIN STAGE Jacqueline Loch – Revenue insights: Transparency, trust and how premium content drives advertising ROI; or
  • ISLAY BREAKOUT ROOM Simon Elliott – How video can pay for itself and what you need to know about making it

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 Choose from:

  • MAIN STAGE 11.30-11.50 Holly Catford – How to work with brands and keep your soul; and
  • MAIN STAGE 11.50-12.00 John Robertson – Chalk it up to experience: Marketing your work through your magazine; or
  • ISLAY BREAKOUT ROOM 11.30-12.00 Karen Slade – Small budget, big impact: Master Meta ads for your magazine

12.00 Choose from:

  • MAIN STAGE Steve Price – Don’t reinvent the wheel: 10 subscriptions ideas you can borrow from big publishers
  • ISLAY BREAKOUT ROOM Julie Christie-Clark – Canva for magazine designers

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Federigo Gabellieri – Turn off your ego: Greater inclusivity for greater creative flow

14.10 Choose from:

  • MAIN STAGE 14.10-14.20 Amelia Dziedzic – Creating Common magazine: Learning by doing; and
  • MAIN STAGE 14.20-14.50 Interview – Angela Lyons in conversation with Peter Houston; or
  • ISLAY BREAKOUT ROOM 14.10-14.50 Jodie Newman – Reaching new Readers: Using your superpowers to market your magazine

14.50 Comfort Break

15.10 Choose from:

  • MAIN STAGE Eloise Leeson-Smith – How reader inspiration is the key to unlocking your legacy; or
  • ISLAY BREAKOUT ROOM MT O’Donnell – So you want to start a podcast as a brand extension?

15.40 Choose from:

  • MAIN STAGE Simon Esterson – Are we having fun? A look at the magazine industry’s approach to design; or
  • ISLAY BREAKOUT ROOM Laurie McPherson – LinkedIn for you and your magazine

16.10 Justice Williams MBE – Publishing PR: The power of a growth mindset when building your magazine brand

16.40 Ranj Begley – Thank you for coming!

16.50-18.30 Drinks reception, kindly sponsored by Acorn Web Offset

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