
Roundtable: Podcasting Strategies for Engagement – 19 June, online

Podcasting Strategies for Engagement – 19 June, 2pm-4pm, online

Roundtable in partnership with PPA Scotland

We’re delighted to be working with PPA Scotland to bring you the fourth in our series of roundtable events.

PPA is the UK trade association for magazine publishers, set up to represent, champion and support specialist media businesses.

About the event

Podcasting is the perfect complement to any magazine publishing business, offering extra insight, a more personal connection with readers, value added content and a place for avid readers to engage more with your brand.

Join us for this roundtable event in collaboration with PPA Scotland, where our expert speakers will discuss:

  • How you can create a podcast on a budget, and how it can be a new way to market your magazine or business
  • How to leverage podcasting to drive positive change and inspire audiences
  • The opportunities and challenges of taking your podcast to video
  • How video can reach outside your traditional audience and maybe even pay for itself

Hosted by the International Magazine Centre’s Nikki Simpson, the afternoon will include two speakers, multiple breakout room discussions and networking.

This event is open to anyone working in magazine publishing. Tickets are free for International Magazine Centre and PPA members, or £30 for non-members.


We’re looking forward to welcoming two speakers to the event, plus time for discussion in groups.

Halina Rifai, freelance podcast producer

Halina Rifai is a podcast producer, music writer, PR & digital marketer. She founded music site Podcart in 2009 and went on to become a podcast producer, working with the likes of The Big Light, The Ferret, Mental Health Foundation, Fringe of Colour and many more.

Podcasts she has worked on and continues to work on include Sheku Bayoh: The Inquiry and A Sonic Hug.

Halina is Communications Manager for We Are Here Scotland – A space aimed at supporting and raising the voices of Black People and People of Colour creatives across Scotland.

Simon Elliott, founder of CrowdFinderVideo

Simon Elliott has led successful digital and broadcast teams for Sky News and Al Jazeera. Working on innovative digital projects he’s helped find millions of viewers across multiple platforms.

As Head of News at military broadcaster BFBS he built a team that took their YouTube channel to almost four million viewers a month, with 500k+ plus subscribers. They took Facebook video views from 3 million minutes viewed per month, to 14.5 million inside a year. The team also lifted Instagram subscribers from 20k to 90k and grew the Sitrep podcast from 250 weekly downloads to 2k+. 

With Crowdfindervideo he’s working with magazines to bring his production experience and expert team to publisher’s video at a cost that won’t break the bank, and at a volume and quality that will drive their digital growth.


  • 2pm Welcome and introduction from Nikki Simpson, Director of the International Magazine Centre
  • 2.10pm Halina Rifai – The Accessible Medium: How Podcasting is Transforming Marketing and Storytelling. Podcasting on a budget – equipment, software, hosting and strategies. Podcasting as a new way of marketing – benefits, brand awareness, niche audiences, marketing strategy. Podcasting to amplify important stories and work – underrepresented perspectives, social initiatives, collaborating for impactful, driving positive change.
  • 2.30pm Roundtable discussion in breakout rooms
  • 3pm Simon Elliott – Titles, intros and timeless classics. Why these three things are different and not so different if you’re taking your podcast to video; what the barriers are to making your pod a video pod; and the challenges that YouTube presents to hook your audience.
  • 3.20pm Roundtable discussion in breakout rooms
  • 3.50pm Networking

Need to know

Date and Time: 19 June, 2pm-4pm BST

Venue: Online

Tickets: Free for International Magazine Centre and PPA members, or £30 for non-members.

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