
The Mag Meet: Rethinking digital with Madhav Kochunni – 1 June

On the first Thursday of every month we invite a guest speaker to talk to our Patrons, giving them tips and ideas to help them improve their businesses.

Our June Mag Meet is with digital content specialist Madhav Kochunni, and will be held at 1pm BST / 8am EDT on the 1st of June.

Rethinking digital magazines

Magazine lovers and publishers alike love the print experience, but how do you build on a printed magazine’s tactility using digital or a hybrid version?

Digitisation opens up immense possibilities – additional revenue, actionable intelligence on your readers, and a higher reach on an international scale.

Crossing the digital divide to show how to design a digital edition of your print version, Madhav will cover:

  • Responsive design, an overview
  • Creating pixel-perfect magazine layouts on your website
  • Showcasing digital versions of Word On The Street (print) magazine

About Madhav

After three decades in magazine publishing, advertising, marketing, and information technology, Madhav Kochunni has completed the circle. He is back to designing magazines – print, digital, and hybrid – and has set up shop offering small and medium businesses digital publishing services.

The Mag Meet is a free monthly event held on the first Thursday of every month, dedicated to our International Magazine Centre Patrons.

For free access to this and free or discounted attendance at all our online events, sign up to be an International Magazine Centre Patron from £5/m.

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