
Lulu Skantze

What do you do for a living?

I’m the co-founder and Editorial Director of Storytime Magazine. Most of my time is split between editorial and creative work and the business side of things – meetings, new opportunities and brainstorming with my business partner, as well as a lot of admin and promo/PR/social media. 

What does that mean day-to-day?

My weeks are split in two halves. On the editorial side there’s a lot of planning, briefing, approving, reading and editing content, as well as being very hands on designing and finalising the issues. I’m very involved from start to finish and a great part of the job is researching and reading a lot of stories to curate every new issue.

We also have a lot of teaching resources and therefore we need to be up to date with the UK curriculum so we are able to include relevant content to each issue.

Plus I manage our digital team and our audio stories and digital uploads need to be checked and approved every month. 

On the business front, I try to have at least a day a week to catch up on all the licensing conversations. Opportunities and meetings we have to follow up from all over the world. It’s like wearing different hats everyday – but it is never boring!

What do you love about magazines?

I love them as objects – the feel, the mindfulness of reading them, the variety of content they can carry . The quality all together – print is a beautiful media! I love that you can find magazines about all subjects you wish, that covers can be powerful and impactful and unforgettable. They feel so now and yet we all have that instinct to keep them forever. There are so many special editions I have kept for years and I love when a product that was meant to be temporary is so good that you can’t let it go.

Tell us one thing not many people know about you?

That I’ve worked as an Editor and an Art Director in Advertising before Publishing and I love images and words in equal measure! Or a fun fact is that I’m based in Amsterdam now, after 22 years in London!

Connect with Lulu Skantze on LinkedIn and Instagram – where Lulu posts about things she sees and the beauty of the world. Also interact with Storytime Magazine on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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