
The Mag Meet: 6 ways to boost your magazine profitability through newsletters

On the first Thursday of every month we invite a guest speaker to talk to our Patrons, giving them tips and ideas to help them improve their businesses.

This event has now passed. If you’d like to watch this event – and our entire catalogue of Mag Meet events – sign up to our Patreon here. If you are already a Patron, you can watch Andy Griffiths’s session on increasing magazine revenue through newsletters here:

On Thursday 3 November at 1pm at The Mag Meet, we’re looking forward to welcoming email newsletter specialist, Andy Griffiths, who works specifically with publishers.

Andy’s founded and managed three newsletter businesses, and launched or acquired 20+ newsletters in financial services, corporate communication and sport.

He also writes his own newsletter about, you guessed it, newsletters, which you can sign up for here. It’s excellent.

The session will cover:

  • 6 proven and actionable ways to increase your magazine revenue through newsletters
  • Time for questions
  • Data share – sharing your open, click-through, engagement and purchase rates
  • Success stories – sharing what has worked for you with your newsletter

The Mag Meet is a free monthly event held on the first Thursday of every month, dedicated to our International Magazine Centre Patrons.

For free access to this and free or discounted attendance at all our online events, sign up to be an International Magazine Centre Patron from £5/m.

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