
John Porrett

What do you do for a living?

I am the Managing Director of Unique Magazines, an online magazine store that specialises in printed magazines. We stock more than 2,000 different magazines. Which is perfect for someone who has a passion for printed magazines.

What does that mean day-to-day?

I am responsible for the vision and strategy of the company. This includes mentoring, growth and identifying new markets and opportunities. I like to network and meet new people, so I continue to learn and grow.

What do you love about magazines?

I love that every magazine is a experience maker, the quality of editorial and the photography in each magazine is of high quality. I also love that  Magazines are educational, informative and fun. I also think the amount of love and effort that goes into producing each issue of a magazine is inspiring, creative and entrepreneurial- especially with the independent publications. – I also love the smell of a newly printed magazine.

Why are you supporting the International Magazine Centre?

Because I think it’s a great opportunity to bring like minded people together to share knowledge and experiences that can help others within the industry. I also think it’s a great networking platform.

Connect with John on LinkedIn or get in touch direct at john.porrett@uniquemagazines.co.uk.

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