RECORDING: Carla Frank interviews Luke Hayman for the first in our Creative Heroes series, inviting creative directors to interview their design heroes, who in turn will interview theirs.
Nikki Simpson
Creative Heroes #1 – Carla Frank interviews Luke Hayman →
Where: Online recording
What: Our Creative Heroes series invites creative directors to interview their design heroes, who in turn interview theirs.
Cost: £20 for non-members, free to members
Training: Better Faster Smarter Workflow →
Our second cohort of our digital transformation programme with Kilian Schalk is coming soon. Find out more and register your interest now.
Paul Fisher Cockburn →
Paul is a magazine Journalist and long-form content writer, also editor of a community magazine.
Lulu Skantze →
Lulu is the co-founder and Editorial Director of Storytime Magazine – an illustrated monthly story magazine for kids.