Crowdfinder makes video for magazines. The kind of video you need to be a digital success, at a cost that won’t break the bank.
Archive: Speakers
Training: Magazine Monetisation Masterclass – 24 April →
Where: Online
What: Training: Magazine Monetisation Masterclass. Create a sell advertising and partner packages for your magazine.
Cost: £50 full price, £25 members.
Meet Up: Edinburgh and London – 17 April →
Where: Edinburgh and London
What: Meet Up: Get to know others in magazines at our Magazine Meet Up – two events held simultaneously in Edinburgh and London
Cost: Free to both members and non-members, but please register to attend
Guest Newsletter – M.T. O’Donnell →
Once a month we invite our International Magazine Centre members, magazine publishers and enthusiasts to guest-edit our fortnightly email newsletter.
This month our guest editor is M.T. O’Donnell Founder and Editor of Scotland Grows Magazine.
Micropress →
Micropress is one of the largest independent commercial printers in the UK, offering International Magazine Centre members a 10% discount .