The Mag Meet: 6 ways to boost your magazine profitability through newsletters →
Newsletter specialist Andy Griffiths on proven and actionable ways to increase your magazine revenue through newsletters.
All International Magazine Centre talks are recorded, with excerpts distributed globally through our newsletter – sign up here.
Newsletter specialist Andy Griffiths on proven and actionable ways to increase your magazine revenue through newsletters.
Welcome to Magazine Street, the International Magazine Centre’s brand-new one-day conference, celebrating the wonderful world of magazine publishing.
Build your confidence, learn proven techniques, overcome difficulties and increase your sales.
Every fortnight on a Thursday afternoon, we invite a guest speaker to chat to our International Magazine Centre Patrons about their life in magazines.
On Thursday 17 March at The Mag Meet, we’re looking forward to welcoming Andy Cowles, creative director, trainer and consultant.
Where: Online recording
What: Our Creative Heroes series invites creative directors to interview their design heroes, who in turn interview theirs.
Cost: £20 for non-members, free to members