
Videos from 2022

We had such a great time in 2022. If you were there too, you can watch the videos again here.

Sandrae Lawrence

Co-founder and editor of The Cocktail Lovers magazineTalk
Long Lasting Love
Sandrae Lawrence

Alex Longson

Founders of Command+i magazineTalk
Command+i magazine
Alex Longson

Laura Bartlett

Founding editor and publisher of House of Coco magazineTalk
Paving Your Own Path in Publishing
Laura Bartlett

Joanna Biggers

Founder of Dulcify JournalTalk
Dulcify Journal
Joanna Biggers

Kilian Schalk

Master of WorkflowTalk
The Possibility of Experimentation
Kilian Schalk

Arusa Qureshi

Editor of Fest magazineTalk
What could be better than magazine publishing?
Arusa Qureshi

Fiona Hayes

International Art Director and Design ConsultantTalk
You have a voice, now what are you going to do with it?
Fiona Hayes

Chris Opoku

Founder of The Chritical MagazineTalk
The Chritical
Chris Opoku

Mark Alker

Founder and MD of Singletrack magazine Talk
From lurker to member, growing your community through integrity, trust and influence
Mark Alker

Kate and Jack Lennie

Founders of We Are Makers magazineTalk
We Are Makers magazine
Kate and Jack Lennie

Rhiannon Davies

FounderĀ of Greater Govanhill community magazineTalk
Showing up for your community
Rhiannon Davies

Anna Bassi

Editorial Director of The Week JuniorTalk
The Decline at Nine
Anna Bassi

Simon Esterson and Joanna Cummings

Designer and editor of Word on the Street, the magazine made in a day at Magazine StreetTalk
The making of Word on the Street
Simon Esterson and Joanna Cummings
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